Annual General Meeting – 4 Aug 2021 – Notification

The Australian Slacklining Association (ASA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be conducted at 7 pm (GMT+10) 4 Aug 21 in West End QLD and remote dial in.

If attending at the physical location, please let Trent know so we can cater for numbers ( Please arrive or dial in 15 min early to allow for a smooth start to the meeting. State Representatives are encouraged to orgainise a suitable location to meet and to do a group dial in, thus reducing the number of dial ins and to help coordinate any voting if it’s required.

The agenda of the meeting will be as follows:

1. Confirm the minutes of the previous AGM, 2. Receive and consider the annual report of the committee and the financial statements, 3. Elect all members of the committee, 4. To confirm the amount of the annual joining fee. If you would like any other items to be brought up at the AGM please email them to the committee by 28 Jul 21 to be added to the agenda. If they require special resolution, i.e. constitutional change, this will need to be sent in by 6 pm (GMT+10) 8 Jul 21.

Only current members can vote at the AGM; however, it is open to all persons interested in slacklining in Australia. Please login to to see if your membership is current. If you cannot attend and still wish to vote at the AGM, you will need to provide a proxy. The appointment of a proxy must be in writing and signed by the member. You will then need to email that to and it will be handed to the Chairperson of the meeting.

After delivering the committee annual report and financial statements at the AGM all the committee positions will be made vacant. We will be electing all the following positions at the AGM:

1. President,
2. Vice-president,
3. Secretary,
4. Treasurer,
5. 8 x State and Territory Representatives.

If you wish to nominate for one of these positions, please send a nomination into the committee ( by 28 Jul 21, with a brief explanation on why you will be suitable for that position, e.g. experience, skills, time-availability, community involvement, endorsements etc. These nominations will be reviewed and endorsed by the committee. Nominations for multiple positions are allowed. Alternatively, you are free to nominate during the AGM.

To be eligible for a committee position you need to be 18 years or over, a voting member, and for the state or territory representative, a resident of that state/territory. The basic duties of the committee members are specified within Chapter 8 of the ASA constitution, and outlined in the ASA Procedures Manual

If you would like to be involved in the association beyond being a committee member, there are many other positions, roles, and projects to be involved in. We are looking for people with the right experience and skills, but more importantly the motivation and initiative, to lead project areas to build our slacklining community and to maintain access to our slacklining and highlining areas. Some positions we require to be filled are:

1. Technical Officer: managing the website back-end.
2. Communications Officer: keeping members, the greater slack community, and general public informed about us and our sport.
3. Safety Representative: Foster safe practices through education.
4. Education Officer: Develop, maintain, and endorse slacklining publications.
5. Events Coordinator: Coordinate, promote and support events from a national level.
6. National Access Officer: Coordinate access advocacy inline with our aims at a national level.
7. Commercial Entity Representative: Build relationships with slacklining commercial entities.
8. Delegate of the Secretary / Membership Officer: key functions on behalf of the Secretary with the role as the membership officer.
9. ISA Liaison Officer: Liaise with the International Slackline Association.
10. International Slacklining Community Liason Officer: Liaise with the international slack community.

More detail can be found in the ASA Procedures Manual If interested in any of these positions, please send us some info about yourself (to and the new committee can look at putting you to work.

We look forward to seeing you all at the AGM. Happy slacklining.

Trent Williams

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